Blogger Recognition Award


This blog is less than two months old, and it’s getting more exciting every day.
My week started off with a notification that I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Bernadine at Bern Bakes. Thank you, Bernadine! I’m glad you like my blog. 🙂

I started this blog in some free time I had on maternity leave with baby #5.
I love to write, take pictures, and experiment with healthy recipes. This week, my daughter gave me a big compliment. She said I should stop using recipes and always just make up my own. 🙂
I feel like this nomination is a warm welcome into the blogging community. And I am learning that it is a virtual community. The whole idea of the award generates more traffic for everyone and helps bloggers get to know each other and pass on compliments to each other. What a wonderful idea!
I advise new bloggers to recognize the blogging world as a community. Realize that there are real people on the other side of the computer screen on the other side of the world. Be kind to each other. Read other blogs. Like other blogs. Comment on other blogs. Do unto others as you would like to be done to you. Also, try to write good quality, interesting posts. Be unique. (I think I’ve gone beyond my 2 cents worth of advice.)
My nominees for the Blogger Recognition Award are (in no particular order):

  1. written by a friend, a wonderful Jewish mom
  2. sally’s baking addiction one of the most beautiful blogs I’ve ever seen, with a number of posts with advice for new bloggers
  3. simply recipes a great resource for good recipes for real food
  4. chocolate covered katie full of healthy dessert recipes and other fun kitchen experiments
  5. smitten kitchen by a fellow mom, also cooking in a tiny kitchen
  6. cookie and kate a great blog full of beautiful, healthy recipes
  7. bless this mess please another mother trying to get some wholesome stuff into her kids
  8. from the laundry room deep thoughts, totally relatable, good writing
  9. frugal mom eh a fellow frugal mom, this one in Canada
  10. elana’s pantry  great healthy food blog
  11. minimalist baker simple, easy, healthy recipes
  12. the wholesome fork more healthy recipes
  13. naturally ella more healthy recipes and some great photography
  14. oh she glows another healthy food blog…are you starting to see a pattern here?
  15. the girl on bloor a gorgeous food blog

Rules for the Blogger Recognition Award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. ✅
  • Write a post to show your award. ✅
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started. ✅
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. ✅
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to. ✅
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created. (Doing that now)!


About israelisalad

I'm an American-Israeli mother who loves to make healthy food from fresh ingredients, on a budget and with limited time. My site is full of easy, healthy recipes and insights into life in Israel.
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8 Responses to Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Mama and Papa says:

    Mazal Tov!


  2. blessthismessplease says:

    Thank you so much! What a great list!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done! Carry on. 🌟✨💫


  4. Funny! I was simultaneously nominating you!
    In recognition of your inspiration and support I have nominated you for the “Bloggers Recognition Award”.
    Many thanks,


  5. So nice and such good advice. I am going to visit the blogs you recommended. 😍


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